
Stock Journal Articles

Old but Gold - Rebuilding Flocks Using Older Ewes

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

By Tiffany Bennett, PIRSA Rural Solutions SA

Whilst some SA producers are experiencing ongoing impacts of the drought, it is still important to consider future recovery strategies, particularly given the likelihood of low available sheep numbers and the potential high cost of restockers. 

Retaining older ewes that would normally be culled may...Read More

Be Ready for Rebuilding

Sunday, July 21, 2019

By Tiffany Bennett, Livestock Consultant

A combination of high fodder prices and limited access to fodder due to seasonal conditions has forced producers to reduce core breeding animal numbers in some parts of the state.

While ongoing drought management is a reality for many producers, high returns from the sheep...Read More

Farm Water Security

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Water is an essential requirement for running a farm business and has a significant impact upon the livestock enterprise with relation to stock welfare, farm productivity and business profitability. Knowledge of livestock water requirements and potential sources of water are important for planning on a daily, as well as an...Read More