
Stock Journal Articles

It’s tax planning time – tips to optimise profit

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stock Journal Article - June 2024

Author: Chris Scheid, Moore Australia

May and June are busy times of year for those involved in Primary Production.  Another important job to get done before the end of the financial year is tax planning.   This not only requires your own preparation but...Read More

Looking after your ewes, an investment or cost

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stock Journal Article - June 2024

Author: Deb Scammell, Talking Livestock

With the late break in almost all areas of South Australia this year meeting ewes nutritional requirements over the breeding season is becoming difficult and expensive.

If you have managed to retain some dry paddock feed and ground cover in paddocks...Read More

Understand the cost of not doing it

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stock Journal Article - June 2024

Author: Ken Solly, Agribusiness Consultant 

Continuing dry conditions in the southern regions are leading to increased stress levels. Purchasing and the high cost of extra feed is leading to very poor rations and this is very concerning. Over recent years farmers have had a lot of equity...Read More

Low cost pasture renovation in high rainfall areas.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Stock Journal Article - March 2024

Author: Tim Prance, T Prance Rural Consulting, Victor Harbor

Before renovating any paddock, consider if it is possible to improve productivity by

  • correcting nutrient deficiencies.
  • correcting soil acidity.
  • controlling weeds using “spray-grazing” in winter or “spray-topping” in spring.

Also ask yourself why has the pasture and carrying capacity deteriorated?

Pulpy Kidney – are your stock at risk?

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Stock Journal Article - April 2024

Authors: Dr Colin Trengove, Pro Ag Consulting and Deb Scammell, Talking Livestock

 Pulpy Kidney or Enterotoxaemia is the most common cause of sudden death in young sheep and cattle in southern Australia. It is referred to as pulpy kidney because the toxin released by this...Read More

5c's of Credit

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stock Journal Feature - February 2024

Author: Chris Scheid, Moore Australia

Capacity refers to your ability to repay debt.  Your bank will use past taxation financials and your cashflow projections to calculate some ‘debt serviceability’ ratios.  Debt/Income (certainly less than 3.0), Interest Coverage (EBITDA/Interest, benchmark >2.0x) and Debt Service Coverage Ratio...Read More

Agri banking – managing your manager

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stock Journal Feature - February 2024

Author: Chris Scheid, Moore Australia

Agri Banking is changing - you’ve probably noticed, having more Agri-Managers in the past 5 years compared to the 10 previous years.  Like all of us in business, banks too are finding it difficult to find and retain key...Read More

Calculating a Feed Budget

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stock Journal Feature - February 2024

Author: Deb Scammel, Talking Livestock

When we look at ewe nutrition through the feed gap and how much feed we are likely to need, it’s first important to look at what is available in the paddock. We can then decide if stock need to be...Read More

Setting up Containment

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stock Journal Feature - February 2024

Author: Deb Scammell, Talking Livestock

Considering setting up containment? One of the most important things to consider is the location. Being close to a shearing shed, yards and other handling facilities will be invaluable to allow monitoring of livestock and handling throughout the containment period. If...Read More

Grazing after summer rain

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Stock Journal Technical Column - February 2024

Author: Emma Shattock, Livestock Production Advisor,  Elders

What was originally shaping up to be a long, dry summer has turned around, with much of the state receiving some summer rain. This presents a range of challenges for managing grazing sheep, from the changes in...Read More