
Managing your bank/agri business manager

In this webinar, Chris Scheid, Moore Australia discusses Agri banking has changed a lot in the past 5 years. New banking protocols, the time taken to approve loans, a number of new Agri Managers.

Have we recognised and responded to these changes?

With a regular turnover of AgriManagers that many have experienced, the question must be asked ‘who is managing your AgriManager’? For your business, this is either an opportunity or a threat. 

This webinar presents the opportunity to ‘Manage Your Agri Manager’:
• How we can successfully navigate the annual bank review – purpose, preparation and presentation.
• Negotiating on Interest Rates – brokering vs debt advisors vs do it yourself; how banks assess risk; how we can present our best case 
• Other non bank lending options 

This webinar was supported by Australian Government's Future Drought Fund, The Government of South Australia, Livestock SA, South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub and Australian Wool Innovations’ AWI Extension SA.