MeatUp Forums will be held predominantly throughout southern Australia for beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat producers to access practical, whole-of-business information and tools they can use on-farm to improve productivity and profitability.
MeatUp Forums in 2021 will be held at the following locations:
- 5 March: Gawler, South Australia
- 25 June: Port Augusta, SA
- 19 August: Tailem Bend, SA
MLA General Manager, Research, Development and Adoption, Michael Crowley, said the program for each MeatUp Forum has been designed by producers from the local region through producer working groups, to ensure topics, content and presenters are regionally relevant.
“MLA has taken the fundamental principles of some of its most popular producer extension programs to create the all-encompassing MeatUp Forums,” Mr Crowley said.
“MeatUp Forums are designed to demonstrate the value of implementing new practices or technology on-farm. They will link with other MLA activities, programs and projects that producers can get involved in to enable them to further build knowledge and skills.”
Registrations are now open for the first MeatUp Forums at Gawler.
Highlights of the Gawler program include:
- MLA Managing Director, Jason Strong
- Launch of the updated SA Sheep Industry Blueprint
- Simon Quilty: Beef and sheep meat – a global outlook
- Jason Trompf: What is next with breeding values for commercial producers?
MeatUp Forums are free for red meat levy payers and $50 (excluding GST) for non-red meat levy payers.
Registration is essential for catering purposes. To register and for more information, click here.
While we intend for these events to be run primarily in-person, this may change given any COVID-19 travel restrictions and health advice. The Forum will run in an alternative format if face-to-face is not possible, in accordance with any State and Federal Government restrictions. Those who register will be advised should any change occur.
MeatUp Forums are an MLA initiative and delivered by Pinion Advisory.