
Improving reproduction efficiency through pregnancy scanning

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Clarke’s own and operate Pine Grove, situated 40 km southeast of Hawker. They manage 6,000 merino ewes with approximately 45% being a self-replacing merino flock with the other 55% mated to terminal sires (White Suffolk) for prime lamb production. All maiden ewes are mated to merino rams. Young ewes are then classed and culls retained and mated to White Suffolk rams, with other ages mated to a mix of merino and White Suffolk rams. Ewes are sold at 6 years of age. Shearing is undertaken in April with ewes lambing in June/July.

Through the use of pregnancy scanning and improved ewe nutrition, livestock productivity and flexibility has increased. This system takes advantage of average to above average season feed availability, while reducing risk in poor seasons.

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